Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Packing for Pakistan

Osama is there.

Muslim Extremist are there.

They have REAL WMD's.

They're CIA, the ISI, is complicit with Islamic militants, like we accused Saddam of being.

Instead of invading Western Afghanistan, NATO forces should have deployed into EASTERN Afghanistan FIRST, blocking of the Pakistan border thus removing any escape route for Bin Ladin or any Taliban looking to move over the Pakistan border. Instead they landed in the West, the enemy headed East and now they're under the indirect protection of the only Islamic country on earth with the Bomb. That's a major problem. We can't run missions into a country that has nuclear weapons. Bin Ladin planned to have Pakistan as a fallback position and he's ended up there safely. Now Obama is going to have to deal with the fallout of 8 years of bad policy and short sighted strategy. The biggest story of 2009 will come out of Pakistan.

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