Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Mendoza Line* & Vallejo's failed state.

"As the Vallejo Police Department force shrinks -- attrition and layoffs will bring the number of sworn officers to 104 by mid-January -- so has its ability to solve the city's homicides. Of the 10 homicides in Vallejo police jurisdiction, only two, or 20 percent, have netted arrests. This compares to a 30 percent solve rate last year and a 68 percent rate in 2007." --from the Vallejo Times-Herald 12/30/09

20% closure rates for murder?
That is a failed state.
They close more murders in Wash. D.C., Detroit, or Oakland.

The Vallejo Police Department...The Mario Mendoza* of Law Enforcement.

*The Mendoza Line is an informal term used in baseball for the threshold of incompetent hitting. Even though Mario Mendoza's lifetime batting average is .215, the Mendoza Line is said to occur at .200, and when a position player's batting average falls below that level, the player is said to be below the Mendoza Line. It is often thought of as the offensive threshold below which a player's presence in Major League Baseball cannot be justified despite his defensive abilities. National League pitchers are not held to the Mendoza Line standard, since their specialized work and infrequent batting excuses less competence in hitting.[1]

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Party of 2009... The Tea Baggers

Urban Dictionary: teabag

teabag - 68 definitions - To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth of another person.

Anyone group that would unknowingly name themselves after such an unsavory practice isn't really a threat to Democracy and would probably vote for Palin in 2012.

By the way I am totally rooting for Palin to get A nomination in 2012. She's an easy win in my opinion.

I only wonder if it will be for the GOP or the Baggers. The more power Palin gets among the yokels the more there is a possibility of her splitting the conservative vote in 2010 if the GOP field another 100 year old white man, or somebody not radical to appease the base.

The current employment market made this pic apt.

I'm giving Obama a D+ and here is why....

1--Fisa? He gave immunity to Telecoms to tap your phones.
2--Economy? February's $787 billion stimulus package is where exactly? Did you get a check? Your Dad?
3--Patriot Act? Still in full effect.
4--Climate Change? Nothing in Copenhagen.
5--Iraq? No change, a 2011 timeline, maybe.
6--Afghanistan? Add 30,000.
7--Health Care Reform? No single payer or public option? Epic Fail.

The only things keeping him from an F is that he has time left, and I really want the Tea-Baggers to be wrong.

A lot of things have changed in a year.

I moved back to the Bay Area. New job. New house. New renters. New opinions. Haven't had time to post, but do now.