Saturday, August 18, 2007

Guns and Progressives

Everyone should arm themselves.

Besides the possibility of a zombie coup, it’s a good idea to be at least as well armed as the people that hate you.

Moderates and liberals tend to vilify all firearms, but look at this asshole:

Now really, do you want him determining where or if you can vote? He doesn't look to open to gay rights. Where does he stand on interracial marriage even?

Heaven forbid we ever devolve into a civil war, or recession fueled crime wave, but those in countries where this has happened are glad that they had a few lying around when the time came. This lady here has the right idea. Sisters are doing it for themselves:

This guy is all casual with his at this point:

My point is that when all the other factions in a future global conflict are armed; do you want to be the only one who isn’t?

Here is our sweet liberal friend from Seattle showing guns can be useful and stylish accesories...

They may even determine what your rights are in an uncertain future.

Thanks Cheryl!!